Homelike comfort meets transparency and sustainability  

Introducing recycled bouclé curtain fabric Toby


From workplaces to retail stores to hospitality projects, commercial interiors of all kinds are prioritizing holistic wellbeing by focusing on comfort, natural light and sustainability. Combining an incredibly soft touch and a natural, homelike palette, transparent bouclé curtain fabric Toby includes 85% recycled content and lets light shine through – all while fulfilling the high-performance demands of contract spaces: flame retardancy, colourfastness, functionality and durability. As a double-width fabric, Toby is suitable for railroaded installation, a cost-effective seamless floor-to-ceiling solution.

sustainable in manufacture and material 

Sustainable in manufacture and material, Toby is woven in Vescom’s 100% CO2-neutral weaving mill and incorporates almost 100% recycled polyester FR bouclé yarn. The yarn is made from post-consumer PET bottles, which are melted and granulated, transformed into a fluffy fibre and, finally, spun into yarn – akin to the process of spinning wool fibres into yarn.

As a bouclé curtain fabric, Toby achieves a distinctive three-dimensionality and irregular, handcrafted feel that can’t be replicated with flat, untextured yarn. This three-dimensionality is heightened by Toby’s transparency – creating depth by maintaining a visible connection to the space beyond a curtain’s physical border, its open weave is innovatively constructed to make the fabric incredibly and unexpectedly strong. Toby’s bouclé weft, small grid and super-matte finish give the curtain fabric a subtle vertical directionality and a modern look and feel.

Toby’s 12 colourways reflect their homelike comfort – the soft palette includes nature-inspired shades that recall grounding stone and clay, a field of warm sunflowers and soothing sea tones. The use of two different warp colours – white or black – produces different aesthetics: colours combined with a white warp feel incredibly light and airy, while those with a black warp have a higher contrast and feel more graphic and architectural.

Vescom Sustainable Materialogy 

It’s also possible to create synergic sustainable interiors by combining Toby curtain fabric with other sustainable Vescom materials, such as wallcovering and upholstery containing recycled content. Even though each product has its own identity, these solutions are a blend of material-driven DNA, high performance and sustainability. Materials with a common ground for a common good – that’s Vescom’s Sustainable Materialogy.

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