Vescom wallcovering:  
form and function go hand in hand 

No compromise on design, no compromise on function: Vescom’s vinyl and textile wallcovering collections bring you the best of both worlds. Featuring over 40 designs and more than 875 colours Vescom’s range of premium wallcovering has every interior covered. Protect susceptible spaces with vinyl, add depth and luxury with tactile textiles or transform walls into canvases for collaboration.

produced in Vescom's on-site manufactury 

Made in Vescom’s on-site manufacturing facilities, the collections are designed specifically to meet strict international contract-market standards. Suitable for hospitality, healthcare, education, office and recreation projects, Vescom’s wallcovering is strong, durable, fire retardant, and light- and colourfast.

vinyl wallcovering 

The list of advantages attached to Vescom’s vinyl wallcovering is seemingly endless. It’s hard to believe that such an aesthetic product is also exceptionally durable. Available in an array of different colours and structures – including textile-like textures and customized prints – the range is suitable for a multitude of applications and atmospheres, and can be seamlessly applied. Not only that, it’s also flame retardant and light- and colourfast. Easy to install and maintain, vinyl is the ideal solution for environments that require extra protection against stains and chemicals.

Vinyl wallcovering Ketoy

Vinyl wallcovering Watson

learn more about our vinyl collection

textile wallcovering 

Rich and diverse: two words that aptly describe Vescom’s textile wallcovering. Spanning the fabric and colour spectrum – from cotton and linen to silk and Xorel, and from bold brights to pared-back neutrals – these touch-worthy textiles are designed with genuine respect for the inherent properties of their corresponding materials and techniques. Textile wallcovering adds a natural yet luxurious character to interiors, all while standing up to heavy use.

Textile wallcovering Rila

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